Public Adjuster Blog

If summer storms damage your property, are you protected? In Michigan, we are lucky enough not to have monster tornadoes or floods. But even a vanilla summer storm could result in extensive property damages, some of which may not be covered by your homeowners policy.  Find...

Did you know??  Casualty losses or theft losses not covered or reimbursed by your insurance company may be deductible on your federal income tax return. The deduction is taken for the year when the loss occurred, unless is from a federally declared disaster, in which...

Water damage is one of the most common types of property damage. From broken pipes, to overflowing toilets and sewage backups, water damage occurs frequently and causes extensive property losses  - soaking carpets, destroyed belongings, structural damage, odors and mold. You are Responsible for the Restoration...

If you ever have to deal with a house fire, time is of the essence. Learn about house fires to help you make the best decisions if ever in that circumstance. Fires spread quickly In less than a minute, a small kitchen fire can spread to threaten...

Whether you are shopping around for a new homeowners policy, need to file a property loss claim, or  just want to be a more savvy consumer - understanding your homeowners insurance is important. Get started today - we’ll make it easy, with a quick look into...

Frozen Pipes Property Damage - Frequently Asked Questions With sub-zero temperatures across Michigan, homeowners face an increased risk of frozen water pipes and water damage to their homes from burst pipes. Property losses from burst or frozen pipes average more than $10,000, and the time needed...

Property Loss due to Roof Ice Dams Recent snowfall accumulation and low temperatures in the Metro Detroit area and throughout Michigan have created the conditions for ice dams to form on roof edges. Without proper remediation, ice dams can result in significant damage to the home...

With the winter and the Holiday Season already here, most of us look forward to spending those moments with family and friends, in warm homes with lit up trees and home cooked food. Sadly, for some, this holiday season will not be fondly remembered...