Fire Claims

When disaster strikes and your home becomes uninhabitable, the last thing you want to worry about is where you’ll stay or how you’ll afford the extra expenses. That’s where Additional Living Expenses (ALE) coverage comes in. As a public adjuster, it’s surprising how often we...

Dealing with an insurance claim can be a daunting task, especially when you're already coping with the aftermath of property damage or loss. In such challenging times, hiring a public adjuster can make a significant difference in the outcome of your claim. These licensed professionals...

As the winter season blankets the world in its chilly embrace, the warmth of crackling fires and cozy heaters becomes essential for comfort. However, along with the joy of staying warm comes the increased risk of fire hazards. Taking proactive steps to ensure fire safety...

Experiencing a house fire is a traumatic and overwhelming event. In the aftermath, you are left with the arduous task of dealing with an insurance claim, property damage assessment, and the emotional toll of losing your home and belongings. This is where a public adjuster...

Last month we covered summer fire safety as it pertains to grilling outdoors. But this month, we will look at another topic that falls under summer fire safety: the use of fireworks. As you know, the summer season brings with it more parties, BBQs, and...

It’s everyone’s worst nightmare. The smoke detector goes off in the middle of the night, and you wake up to the smell of smoke and the sight of a fire in your home. Your first instinct, of course, is to get everybody out as quickly...

May is National Electrical Safety Month – a broad-based effort to reduce the number of injuries, fatalities, and fires related to electricity. 

The Electrical Safety Foundation International (ESFI), a non-profit organization dedicated exclusively to promoting electrical safety in the home, school, and workplace, honors National...